Friday, April 10, 2009

Science - Rocks and Minerals

Today in class, we started to talk a little bit about rocks and minerals.  I have found a website that has some games and quizzes that will help you to use the information learned today in class.  We will be exploring rocks and minerals more in depth tomorrow.  This website will help you to be ready for tomorrow.  Click on this link rocks and minerals and explore the different games on this website.
See you tomorrow!
Ms. Campbell

Science - Habitats and Communities

Hello Class!
I am so excited to start our science unit on Habitats and Communities! We will be spending some time looking into how species in a habitat interact with one another and how they depend on one another for survival.  I have found a game, that will be a good introduction to this topic just click on the link Hams Hall Pond , follow the instructions and have fun!
See you tomorrow!
Ms. Campbell

Hello boys and girls!
You all did so well in our number sense unit; you should all be very proud of yourselves! We are now ready to move on to our measurement unit.  We will be starting off this unit by exploring capacity.  I have found a really fun game, that will introduce you to this unit, and help get you ready to start learning on Monday morning.  Just click on this link measurement fun and follow where it says "play this game" to begin.
Have a great weekend, and I will see you on Monday morning!
Ms. Campbell

Hello Grade 4's!!!!!
For tomorrows class we will be starting our unit on number sense.  I want to make sure that everyone remembers "greater than" and "less than" from last year.  I have found a really cool "re-fresher" game for you guys to play so that we are all ready to get going on number sense! 
All you need to do is click on this link math hopscotch and HAVE  FUN!  See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Hello Class!
My name is Ms. Campbell.  I have created this blog in order for us to have a way to communicate throughout the school year.  On this blog I will post our classroom calendar, assignments, and resources related to what we are exploring in our class!